AiKiDo the Ultimate Self Defense Martial Art in Arlington , TX
Aikido Questions
Tell me about Aikido?
Ai = Harmony, bringing to harmony, coming into harmony, unifying, combining, ... , ?
Ki = Energy, life force, ..., ?
Do = Way, path, ...
Aikido is to blend with an attacker or multiple attackers with minimal physical effort and use their energy of attack to control or send them away ( throw them)
Is Aikido really effective for self defense?
Aikido and all other martial arts are effective if one trains and uses them properly.
How do I know Aikido is for me?
I believe Aikido can benefit almost any one, in my opinion one must train for a minimum of 3 to 6 months to find an answer for herself / himself. Our Aikido training includes seated and on the mat movements
( suwariwaza ) and those who have injured their knees due to other activities may not be able to train in our program.
Why don't you offer a free trial so I can "test drive" your Aikido program?
Because I am not trying to convince anyone to learn Aikido in our program. I believe in traditional way of the martial arts and not the commercial aspect. It is up to a person who wants to learn to make time and minimal money commitment to " seek the truth " .
Is there any minimum or maximum age requirements to learn or train in Aikido?
There are no age restrictions, but an interest and ability to learn mentally and physically with training on a regular basis. I have a minimum age of 9yrs old for children, however may consider a younger child after consulting with his /her parents.
Is Aikido only for men?
No, definitely not. Women can actually progress better, because an Aikido practitioner learns to use body movements not physical strength to defend herself / himself against one or more attackers.
I have a black belt in another martial art or arts, can I get my black belt in Aikido in less than your required minimum time?
Minimum time is 2.5 to 3 years based on average of 10 to 12 training days per month for every one.
For New students
Please print or save in a file for your review and learning
1. Shomenuchi Ikkyo
2. Katatedori Shihonage
3. Shomenuchi Iriminage
4. Suwariwaza Kokyuho
You need to start learning these terms as we go, please read and as I
repeat them , you can remember these terms easier
A standard Japanese phrase used when asking for a favor or request.In
Aikido, one says this while bowing to the sensei at the beginning of class and
to one’s partner before practicing a technique.
Thank you very much
Numbers 0ne to Ten
Ichi one
Ni two
San three
Yon / Shi 4
Go 5
Roku 6
Nana 7
Hatchi 8
Kyu 9
Ju 10
SEIZA : Formal Japanese way of sitting on the floor with one sitting with knees
pointed forward and rear end on one’s feet and ankles.
SHIKKO : Walking on one’s knees.
WAZA : Technique
SUWARI-WAZA : Techniques where both Nage and Uke are seated in
NAGE (TORI) : The partner executing a technique in paired or multiple partner practice
REI : A bow, command for bowing
SENSEI : Teacher
TANTO : Short sword; a wooden dagger used for practicing knife takeaways
UKE : Receiver of a Technique, that is, the “attacker” who is then thrown or pinned
SHOMEN-UCHI : Strike to the front of the face with the te-gatana ( knife hand or chop )
YOKOMEN-UCHI : Strike to the temple with the te-gatana
MUNE-TSUKI : Punch to the abdomen
KATATE-DORI : Single-handed grip to the wrist
Kata-dori : lapel grab
BOKKEN (BOKUTO) : A wooden sword
JO : Stick or short staff roughly four to four and a half feet in length
AI-HANMI : Stance where the Nage and Uke are both standing with either both right feet or both left feet forward.
ATEMI : Strikes to the body at vulnerable points.Used in techniques to distract or unbalance the attacker and thereby increase the effectiveness of a technique
GYAKU-HANMI : A mirror hanmi stance where the Uke and Nage have different feet forward (Uke has left foot forward and Nage has the right foot forward or visa versa)
KOKYU-HO : Breathing exercise usually done at the end of a practice session either seated or standing.
Space between the Nage and the Uke
Front or in front of, used to describe techniques executed by moving across Uke’s front
Rear or in back of, used to describe techniques executed by moving around behind the Uke
A turn in which the back leg of the hanmi stance is pulled back 180 degrees to reverse one’s direction.Unlike tenkai, one’s stance is the same as before the move, but one is facing the opposite direction.
UKEMI : Tumbling or taking falls properly to protect yourself
USHIRO-WAZA : Defenses to attacks from the rear
IKKYO : First technique or principle / Arm Pin
NIKYO : 2nd technique or principle / Wrist In-Turn to arm pin
SANKYO : 3rd technique or principle / Wrist Twist to arm pin
YONKYO : 4th technique or principle / Wrist Pin
GOKYO : 5th technique or principle / Arm Stretch
Shinkikan A